----- Original Message ----- From: "frank theriault"
Subject: Re: A Small Dilemma

On 11/1/05, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you show that one pic at this point, she could probably successfully sue
you. <snip>

sue for what?  she knew the photo was being taken and didn't object to
that, she only objected to shel showing it, afaik.  assuming shel will
not be showing it for commercial purposes, what could she sue for?

A person can launch a lawsuit for pretty much any reason, if they desire.
If she finds the final picture to be defaming, and has given specific instructions to not show it, then she could launch a civil suit under the defamation laws, especially since now Shel had told the world he doesn't have permission to publish. Commercial gain doesn't enter into it, it is a publishing issue, plain and simple. It would perhaps be little more than a nuisance suit, but it would still have to be dealt with. With the political climate in the USA regarding photographers, she migh very well succeed. I recall OJ Simbson was exonerated in the death of his ex wife (criminal law), but was successfully sued by her family under civil law.

William Robb

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