Hear hear.

I've only had mine since Feb. But I concur. Could add a few more comments.

* I'm sure I've saved the money in D&P by now to recover the cost of the DS one or two times over. Somewhat offset by the amount I've spent on new lenses.

* Digital has allowed me to take my camera everywhere and I automatically have a photoblog. Incidentally, I forgot to change the clock on the camera for daylight savings - I have a few shots where alcohol appears to have been imbibed at an ungraceful hour. Or maybe not.

* I can get usable ISO3200 consistently. Will not lament the passing away of Konica 3200 (is it actually gone, I haven't checked).

* I make many instant friends by being able to chimp my work straight after I take their pic

* Have narrowly avoided RSI by no longer needing to clone stamp every dust spot out of my scans

* LX is irritated because I notice it has the sticky mirror. But I'm not too concerned. As an anal gearhead, that is a big step.

* Actually has made me appreciate taking time to get a film shot right. Because it is so rarely that I do it, and only on 6x7 :(


Fred Widall wrote:

Its coming up on one year since I ordered my *istDS so I thought
a retrospective might be in order.

Images captured: 9000+ (equivalent to 375 rolls of 24 exposure film !).

Rolls of real film processed: 2.

Rolls of real film processed in preceeding year: 77

Coldest Temperature used in: -35C (Ontario in Feb)

Hottest Temperature used in: +45C (Abu Simbel, Egypt in July)

Problems with camera: Very few (mostly operator error)

Best accessory: PD7X with 40Gb drive for image storage on the road.

Overall Satisfaction level: Very high

Its been a fun first year and I'm sure future years will be equally

Fred Widall,
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.ist.uwaterloo.ca/~fwwidall
Images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fwwidall/


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