Thanks for all the comments guys, strong concensus for more DOF. I'm a bit puzzled about all this talk of a pie though! (Apart from the "It's Amore" song I've never heard of pizzas referred to as pies. Interesting).

We'll see what else my exam period cooks up (2 down 3 to go).


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
This would work a lot better if the entire pie, and possibly the cutter as
well, were in focus.  It does look good though ;-))  So much so that, even
at this late hour, I'm tempted to go down to the kitchen and whip up a
small pie ... mmm, I sure do like good pizza.

Shel "You meet the nicest people with a Pentax"

[Original Message]
From: David Nelson

After all this talk of unappetising food, here's a photo of the lunch I ate yesterday. I made it, thought it looked pretty good, so took a snap of it. Bon appétit.

*ist D, FA50 macro, 1/90 f/2.8, ISO 800

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