Adam Maas wrote:
> LX + lens. Probably a 24 or 20, If the 20, I'm likely to grab a CZJ 20mm
> Distagon.
> -Adam

Carl Zeiss Jena never made Distagon lens, they are made by western part
of Zeiss. Easern part of Zeiss, located in Jena, made Flektogon 20/2.8
on M42 and Praktika B mount - nice lens, I have one and I am really
happy with it.

I think that Distagons are in Contax mount. How could you use one on
Pentax K mount body like LX?

Why don't you try SMC 20/2.8 (similar to Flekotgon design) or SMC 18/3.5
lens. For me the wide in never too wide (I have just recieved Tamron SP
17/3.5 and I will give it a try tomorrow because I have to trade the
adapter with a friend).

Best regard

"Computers are useless. They can only give answers." - Pablo Picasso

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