I use iView MediaPro (http://www.iview-multimedia.com) to create catalog files of all photos. My backups and archives now constitute 130,000+ digital image files made over the past decade, a single catalog file can contain up to 100,000 of them. I generally make one archive catalog per year of everything, and lots of smaller archive catalogs of important specific groupings of photos.

The catalog file is very large thumbnail database searchable by date, name, and a ton of other parameters, including keywords and metadata. Multi-catalog searches are also possible.


On Nov 13, 2005, at 8:48 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:


I have 4000+ PEF files, and 3 years worth of film shooting (1 film a week or so)... I have to devise a way to catalog the whole darn bunch.

What kind of system/program/solution you use?

I know this has been discussed previously, so I would appreciate if we could just stick to facts and names...

Thanks in advance.


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