On 11/13/05, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering about that as well - assuming that the Blue Man referenced
> on the button is the same Blue Man group I saw in Chicago a few years ago.
> They put on a great performance.  I took my nephew and his girlfriend - or
> should I say, they took me - and we all had a blast!  Hmm, I was thinking
> about what to get my sister and niece for their coming-up-soon birthdays.
> Maybe a couple of tiks to the BMG would be nice ;-))

Well, as far as BMG goes, personally, they give me the creeps.  Don't
like what they do, don't like the fact that they hide behind all that
blue.  I think I know what they're trying to say with the make-up
(anonymity, alienation, machine-like drones?), but I think it's all
pretty pretentious and contrived.  The pseudo-circus acro stuff does
nothing for me, and neither does their music.

But, that's not what my button (and I) are protesting.  They came into
Toronto this year, rented an old theatre and purpose-renovated it for
their show.  Problem is, they've refused to hire union workers. 
Toronto's a union town, and IMHO, they should really respect that, and
hire union.

Now, I understand that they have every right to hire non-union. 
However, I have every right disagree with them, and to voice that
disagreement, and to inform others of their decision to hire not hire
union.  I have no problem with anyone who goes to see their show; 
that's a personal decision.  However, I think that everyone should at
least be aware of BMG's anti-union position.

Aren't you glad you axed?



"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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