I'm going to go crash my car... teach them a lesson they won't long forget!

Tom C.

From: Norman Baugher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Frank, what you're not realizing is that they are protecting themselves against future loses. e.g. what would happen if mass hysteria set in due to an alien invasion and resulted in bumpercar-like collisions all over Canada?

frank theriault wrote:

Yeah, really.

Last year in many cities in Canada, car insurance premiums
skyrocketed.  The companies said at the time that it was because
claims were up, they had no choice, that they were losing money.

Then, when it came time to report to their shareholders, they said
they had record profits.  In fact, Canadian insurance companies made
profits (yes, that's profits, not income or revenue, but profits) of
over $4.2 billion for the year 2004.  I got that figure from the
web-site of an insurance company, fer gawds sake!

Can you say two-faced lying bastards?


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