Hi all,

I've been doing some more learning-the-hard-way. Today's lesson is that when you shoot neg film to be cross-processed in E6, overexpose it by a few stops. If I'd done some research prior to shooting I'd have had better results. The film looked completely unexposed but I could just make out a few details if I held it up to very bright light, so I decided to try scanning it anyway.

I was actually surprised that the scanner was able to pull anything out of the film. The red channel was virtually non-existent but green & blue were both OK.

Here are the three frames I scanned, which have all been processed quite heavily. The first is the only one that I didn't desaturate because it seemed to take weird colours quite well, and I was having difficulty trying to make a reasonable B&W conversion.

Frame 4 (~100kb):

Frame 7 (~80kb):

Frame 9 (~90kb):

I think the flare in the last one is mostly caused by a minor light leak in the body, which I've yet to have repaired. When the film is this underexposed the leak has a much greater effect :(

All three were taken using a Pentax 6x7. Frame 7 with the 90mm ff/ 2.8 lens, the others with the 45mm f/4.

- Dave

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