----- Original Message ----- From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi"
Subject: Re: OT: Cheap Monitor

My partner is a system adminstrator for a major corporation in this area. The last shipment of fairly highly touted but "consumer grade" CRTs for his company proved to be a disaster: the monitors were so bad that he and the engineers who use them were experiencing headaches and seriously wondering if they needed new eyeglasses. They were bad enough that he went out and bought (out of his own pocket) a cheap, used 15" flat panel screen for his own use at the office so that he could work without a headache...

That happenned in my wife's office when they bought new monitors (Samsung 19 inch flat screen CRTs). It turned out that their sys admin person forgot to set the refresh rate, and the screens were all running at 60 hertz. I am sure that this, combined with the same refresh rate on the floroescent lights was what was causing the problem. I reset my wife's monitor to 85 hertz (the fastrest the viseo card would support), and all was well with her screen. They got their sys admin to do the rest of the screens and all was well in the office.

My guess is that was the problem in your friends office as well.

Six months later, the company acted on the many complaints and en masse replaced all the CRTs with LCD displays. Not a single complaint has surfaced since regarding monitor display quality.

My LCD is fine at a low refresh rate too.

William Robb

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