On 25/11/05, John Taylor, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I've not posted much in a while so I thought I would put this one out  
>there. My FA 50 f1.4 has been seriously underutilized and the sun  
>hasn't been out in a while here in the Pacific Northwest. But I  
>happened to catch another  snap of my grandson during a brief outing  
>to the Snoqualmie River last weekend. Comment appreciated as always.  
>Thanks for looking.

What  a great pic. Pretentious framing but it works for me. With a title
like that I would expect some water, but it's your call. Since the
background doesn't add anything at all IMO. a close vertical crop would
be my choice - his expression does more than enough to carry the shot. I
think that's what would be described as 'the decisive moment'.

Cracker. Well done.


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