Den 25. nov. 2005 kl. 23.07 skrev William Robb:

----- Original Message ----- From: "DagT"
Subject: Re: My first PESO

Well, this is also an international list, so if such things bother you then don´t look at PESO´s or PAW´s at work.

Nudity isn´t very controversial around here, so I don´t like the US puritan rules being spread to the rest of us .-)

As you point out, this is an international list. Perhaps if you are going to be on it, you should learn to repect the wishes of people who are living in cultures with different rules than your own.

OK, but then I guess we should have a poll to get an overview over all rules present on this list, not only the US ones.

Also you should not look at my pictures. I sometimes take pictures of children running around naked and I might forget to warn you.


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