"P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Filters don't know nothin' but they block everything.  I remember a 
>rumor from about 5 years ago that Jpegs could carry
>viruses, (no explanation of how they could operate or spread),

That's because it *couldn't* operate or spread. I remember this virus
from a couple of years ago: When it infected your computer by the usual
means (Microsoft Outhouse) it copied its own code into any JPEG's it
could find. But that's all. It couldn't replicate, spread or do any harm
to anyone's computer who received such a JPEG. It was, in other words, a
non-issue for those receiving the JPEG's. I remember one completely
unethical anti-virus software maker trying to spread FUD (and thereby
enhance their sales) by claiming that this virus was something

>administrators of the CSC wan decided to block all Jpegs
>from being downloaded system wide.  

There's your FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) working. Any
administration with any semblance of a clue should have seen this as a
farce from the beginning.

>It crippled web use including our own internal web sites...  
>(They used the same warning message that "inappropriate" web sites 
>displayed, it was "fun").
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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