On 11/25/05, Lucas Rijnders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last weekend I flew to Barcelona for a short break. I don't fly often, so
> I couldn't resist taking some pictures out of the window at sunrise. To my
> dismay there is more flare (I think?) than I anticipated: See pictures 2
> and 3. It can hardly be the lens (it's an A50/1,7), so I think the
> plane-window is to blame. Is this salvageable in post-processing? If not:
> is there anything I can do a next time to prevent this, besides for asking
> an SMC window :o) ?
> The gallery is a quick scan of the whole roll, put up primarily for my
> fellow-travellers. However, feel free to take a look. Comments of any kind
> are more than welcome.
> http://www.jenny.dds.nl/lucas/Barca/index.html
> --

Nice work.  Definitely more than just your "average vacation snaps!"

Looks like you had a great time.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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