My sibs and I used to fly around the world as unaccompanied children in the
60s and early 70s. I don't remember anything like that, although we did have
to wear big badges saying 'Unaccompanied Minor', which must have been a bit
of a come-on for some people I suppose. 

As far as I remember, the fun would start when we arrived in a fog-bound,
wintry London to be met by some harridan of a stranger who would put us up
for a night in a freezing slum and feed us gruel before despatching us
northwards to Dotheboys Hall for another term of floggings, left-overs and
Latin grammar, when the only thing to look forward to was having our
chestnuts roasted over an open fire.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Mann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 28 November 2005 22:47
> To:
> Subject: OT: latest pedonoia story
> Heard this on the radio this morning.
> - Dave

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