Are you a fellow Viewpoint (SVPAC) member?
I've never made the annual Gladden McBean shoot.
Second pano quite blown out across the wall. 
All 35's show considerable grain resulting from the use 400 ISO. Rather
a 'hot' print film, but UC (100 ISO) is my favorite.
Grain can, of course, be intentional and suitable in many cases.
Pleasing blacks and overall contrast along with very nice compositions.
Well done!

Jack Davis
--- Mark Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All, 
> Last spring I participated in a workshop at the Gladding, McBean
> terra cotta 
> foundry in Lincoln, CA.  The facility is an amazing piece of living 
> history--it's been in continuous operation for more than 125 years
> and 
> supplies many different kinds of terra cotta products (industrial
> sewer 
> pipe, artistic building trim, garden pottery, roof tiles, etc.). 
> Eight months and one baby baby daughter later I finally have a small
> gallery 
> together.  The two panoramic shots were taken with a Widelux F6, but
> the 
> others were all taken with my Pentax LX and either my SMC-A 28mm F2.8
> or 
> SMC-A 200mm F4 Macro.  Everything was shot on color film (Kodak
> Portra 400 
> UC), scanned, the post-processed toned monochrome using a digital
> lith 
> workflow that I like. 
> Let me know what you think! 
>  --Mark

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