In a message dated 11/28/2005 4:11:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Interestingly enough, I've been reading a thread on another, normally 
sensical, forum about a teacher who slept with her 14 year old student 
and had people saying it's perfectly all right for her to do so (And 
bravo to the boy) while simultaneously stating that if the sexes had 
been reversed it would have been despicable.

HER doing that is despicable.

On a side note, I picked up a Mad magazine today. Haven't looked at one in 
years. One of the humorous articles (article? -- well, with cartoons) is about 
etiquette when dating one's teacher. Such as "It is not a good form to ask your 
school PTA to hold a bake sale to help pay your teacher's legal expenses." 
And "Like most people, teachers seldom enjoy mixing business with pleasure, so 
after a really steamy make-out session, don't ask her to give you extra credit."

Mad's changed a lot since I read it many long years ago.

But so has the world.

Marnie aka Doe 

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