
I finally got around to subscribing to photo.net and uploading some photos. Some of them have appeared before in various PUG gelleries. I would appreciate if anyone with some time on their hands would comment on them. The gallery is at http://www.photo.net/photos/Thrainn%20Vigfusson

Thrainn, you're the guy living in Iceland, right? Julia-my-wife passes her regards and says she wants to live in Iceland... Well, after seeing this kind of photos everyone would want to come live in Iceland...

"Herdubreid mountain",
"Another sunset",
"Jokulsarlon" are my favorites...

So you seem to have proven that MZ-S performs flawless in this kind of climate...

I think one day, if I'd grow reach or something like that, I'd book myself a place in one of M Reichmann's cruises - just for the heck of it...


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