Peter McIntosh wrote:

David Oswald wrote:

I don't know if anyone FROM Pentax reads this list, but if so, I wanted to publicly say thanks for the firmware update for the *ist-DS.

I installed Version 2.0 tonight. It was just as easy as the previous upgrade, but with seemingly much more benefit. The greyed-out Fn menu options is a helpful addition indeed. No more wondering why auto-flash doesn't work in 'P' mode (hint, in v2.0 that option is grayed out to reflect the fact that it's not really an option). The AF-C and AF-S mode selection is probably the most important and meaningful addition. This actually adds real-shooting functionality that was essentially missing (or severely crippled) in the earlier firmware versions. And putting Auto-ISO on the Fn menu is "where it belongs". The changes to the custom menu are helpful as well.

The new artwork for the various pic modes is fluff, but why not I guess. ;)

Anyway, thanks for continuing to support us -DS users.

Hmmm... my new *ist-DL seems to be up-to-date, as I'd expect. It has these features already - certainly the greyed-out Fn modes and auto ISO in Fn, and AF-C and AF-S. Oh - it's got the sample pics too.


Peter in Sydney

Yep, the new DS firmware adds the features that the DS2 and DL had over the DS.


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