On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 09:02:57AM -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> Assuming that you fill one card per week and that the cost of the cards is
> $75.00 each, storing the photos on the cards is  $3750.00 annual expense. 

Hmm. That's rather more than most people will do. $75 buys, what, 2GB of
flash memory nowadays?  That's something like 100GB (10,000 raw images)
of storage per year.  An extra 100GB of hard drive storage costs around
two orders of magnitude less than that $3750 figure.  For offline backup
that's roughly the capacity of 25 DVDs, which is even cheaper.

Flash memory is about the most expensive way you can think of to buy
storage today, and I don't see that changing.

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