The fact is I have never met an evironmentalist of any sort who seemed to have a clue about the evironmental impact of various alternatives.

The really funny thing is the conservationists who have been around for 100+ years seem to understand that kind of thing, but since many of them are hunters and/or fishermen they are the villains to environmentists. However, much of our wildlife and wilderness areas would not exist today except for the efforts of those conservationists. In fact most of the govenments efforts at preserving the land and animals are paid for from hunting and fishing license revenues.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Powell Hargrave wrote:

His boots could be made of plastic...

Plastic boots are so environmentally correct.
I'm not advocating fur farming.  But environmentally the renewable
resources of leather and fur causes less damage that non renewable resource
petroleum produced plastic apparel.


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