First, my sympathies.
In case you have the input, and I'm sure it's superficial to many, I
can't help making a couple content changes to the petition language.
The word "enthousiats" should be spelled "enthusiasts" and the word
"for" should be substituted for "to" at the end of the last heading
sentence. ("..comments "for" them".
For some, this would be a distracting factor, compromising the impact
of the petition.
Now, I wonder if my 9th grade English Teacher would give the above a
passing grade.
Please be gentle.


--- Dario Bonazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've just been informed of the sad decision to close the Pentax
> Benelux 
> branch and the relevant repair lab next April. That lab in Breda is
> the most 
> renowned Pentax service, the only one capable to solve the hardest
> technical 
> problems for all European branches of Pentax.
> A petition to Pentax against this move is undergoing here.
> http://www.culinair.com/pentax/index.php
> Ciao
> Dario

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