Shel & Dave -

I've not noticed a major difference between the two in either speed or function and if there is a difference in battery life with the larger screen it hasn't been bad enough to slap me in the face (at least at this point). The larger screen is nice, and is somewhat easier on my 64 year old eyes, though.

When I bought the DS2 I wanted to buy locally and had there been a DS body only available for a lower price, I would have been very happy to buy it instead. For a brief time the Auto ISO available via the function button and continuous AF available in the record menu as well as the Action program were the major differences for me between the DS and DS2, but the recent firmware upgrade for the DS puts these in place so, with the exception of the larger screen the DS pretty much becomes a DS2.

The *bells and whistles* are nice for quick family photos, but I find that for *serious* pix like weddings and portraits I revert back to my old habits of either Av or manual everything.


David Oswald wrote:
Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hi Paul ...

Have you noticed any differences between the DS and the DS2 in terms of
speed or function?  Is the larger screen on the back a substantial


One question I would have regarding the difference between the two is whether the larger screen has an impact on battery life, or if any negative impact created by the larger screen has been offset by newer-generation electronic components in the DS2.

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