On Dec 14, 2005, at 7:41 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

Yes I've noticed that i converts get a bit touchy when their equipment is put up to any kind of scrutiny. I expect that the packaging is indeed better and
that likely makes the Apple monitors more expensive. ;-)

Just love that sneering bullshit, eh? Yes, the packaging (meaning supporting circuitry, casing, stand, user features, etc) is indeed better and that generally tends to make Apple monitors more expensive.

What makes me angry has nothing to do with your opinion of Apple goods, I really don't care about that at all.

What makes me angry is that you would see fit to waste the list' time with sneering and bad-mouthing known-good products for no good reason. If you think another product is of comparable quality at a lower price, just say so, don't do the stupid sneering dance like you always do.

Get off it, go do something useful.


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