Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>That "filmie" would be me.  In addition to the scanner I'm bringing a
>bottle of HC-110 and some fixer (maybe some stop bath and clearing
>agent if space allows).  My laptop is old, slow, has no CD burner, and
>has the crappiest monitor known to man.  Use of another computer would
>be a godsend.  Should anyone else like to shoot some B&W, I'll be
>happy to process and scan it.  I can accommodate 35mm and 120 roll
>film.  If anyone has an HP Combi-Plan or something similar, we should
>be able to do 4x5, as well.
>Digital is dead!  Long live film!

Well the contest entries have to be digital. But the interesting thing
is, now that the contest has gone digital, it suddenly allows you to
shoot B&W negative film (for the contest) for the first time!
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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