Not my normal type of subject.  Just documentary shots.

About a month back some state transportation workers were inspecting a bridge that's between our house and the city. Apparently they had a mechanical arm extended down over the side of the bridge to inspect the pylon, when something went wrong and the vehicle toppled over the edge.

Photo 1 shows the wreckage.

Photo 2 shows it a little more in context. If you sight up the pylon you can make out where it went through the guardrail at the roadway level.

The operator felt it going and jumped out the door into the roadway with traffic. From what I was told, the door is supposed to have automatically locked when certain operations are in process. They did not follow safety procedures that day and had the autolock turned off, which allowed the driver to get out. His co-worker that was between the vehicle and the guardrail was not as fortunate. His leg was crushed between the truck and the guardrail as it went over. Still no loss of life though.

A bad day at work.

Tom C.

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