William Robb wrote:

TTL flash metering, by definition, is taking reflected readings off the film/sensor. OTOH, TTL flash as done on the istD has been less than accurate for me. Preflash measurement is more accurate, I am led to believe, but has the downside of slowing camera responsivness.
Accurate automatic flash has been the best compromise I have found.
Tim is confusing TTL flash measurement with the automatic exposure via continuous OTF light measurement, which is unique to the LX (at least I haven't heard of another camera that does it), and only works at speeds below flash sync, the further from sync speed, the better chance it has of working.

William Robb

The Nikon F3, Canon New F1 and several Olympus OM models all do TTL-OTF ambient metering. The unique feature of the LX is that it does so down to -6.5EV, a range which is unheard of.


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