Neither produce the lenses (Well, actually Leica might do the glass for the stuff they rebadge).

The Schneider-Kreuznacht is mere labelling, as Samsung owns the name now. But both Carl Zeiss AG and Leitz do design what gets their name currently.


graywolf wrote:

I believe most of those companies just license the use of their name. I doubt they actually design the lenses much less produce them. Just like that Schneider labeled lens that is obviously a Pentax lens.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Adam Maas wrote:

Leica actually does the lens design for Panasonic (Leica is also a lens-design shop and makes one-off and short-run industrial lenses). Zeiss does the same for several makers, including Sony and formerly Hasselblad.


Albano Garcia wrote:

A good example of what you can expect when you buy a
digicam from Sony (Zeiss), Panasonic (Leica) or Kodak
(Schneider): simply a cool logo from the old days over
a plastic lens made by the camera manufacturer (Oh,
yes, yes, Zeiss designed it specifically, sure,
sure... :-)


--- Dario Bonazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just the name, in this case. Everything else is
Pentax DA, including size and detials such as that bright metal ring (blue
instead of green), chrome lens label (look beneath the pentaprism
Only a bit disguised by old-style square rubberised

Samsung sourced Schneider lenses for their

long-gone film SLR. That one
shown on their DSLR has "Schneider" written on

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Albano Garcia
Photography & Graphic Design

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