I snagged the FA 28 that was on ebay for $125.  It came two days ago
and is currently under the tree. (wife won't let me use it yet since
technically it is a Christmas present)  I had it out to make sure it
was OK and it was indeed new and looks like a nice lens.  It is one of
my better ebay bargains.

I tend to choose subjects that go better with longer focal lengths.  I
have the DA 16-45 and find it useful for landscape type shooting. 
However, I am usually using it at either full wide (16mm) or at 45mm. 
 I am looking forward to playing with the 28mm focal length and
forcing myself to compose without falling back to zooming.

On 12/24/05, David Oswald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've resisted buying this lens for some time.  My ability to fight off
> lens lust on the FA28 can be attributed to the following thoughts:
>    *  On 35mm Film: I prefer 24mm as a general purpose wide angle.
>    *  On digital: 28 isn't wide, but it's not quite standard either.
>       What is it?
>    *  f/2.8 isn't fast for a nearly standard (for digital) prime.  It
>       should be f/2.
> But then opportunity conspired with funds and weak resistance, and the
> next thing I knew I bought one on eBay.  It arrived yesterday, and I
> have to admit I'm really pleased with the new enablement.  I've already
> put it through its paces.
> I find that on my *ist-DS, 28mm IS a useful focal length.  The more I
> think about it, the more I realize that I always felt 50mm (on film) to
> be a little too 'tight' for a standard lens.  The 28mm focal length on
> digital feels just a little less confined, and turns out to be quite a
> comfortable focal length to 'set and forget'.
> f/2.8 is fast enough under most conditions, especially on digital where
> ISO800 is usable.
> I once owned the 'F' version of this lens but didn't much care for it.
> That was back in my film days, and as I mentioned earlier, I didn't find
> the focal length all that useful to me, plus it didn't seem all that
> sharp.  Now with the FA, in my limited use, I find the FA to be sharper
> and to offer smoother bokeh.  I like that.
> For someone looking for a fairly inexpensive but good quality standard
> lens for their digital SLR, I think the FA28 should definitely be in the
> running.  Yes, the FA35 is faster, and offers a field of view (on
> digital) closer to what people consider 'standard'.  But the 28 offers a
> little broader field of view which can be quite nice too.  And it's
> often available at just over half the cost of the 35 f/2.


Perry Pellechia

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