Shel -

With technology moving so quickly these days if you keep waiting for something better you'll never buy it. Unless something better is available overlapping the DS2 where you have to make a choice, or you know *for sure* there will be an improved model in the very near future, I'd say go for the DS2. If you were happy with the DS, you'll be happy with the DS2.

I think we're about the same age - we can't afford to wait.  ;>)


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
From messages posted here, it seems that many camera manufacturers
introduce new models at the big photo shows.  When are the next big shows
at which Pentax may introduce new models?  Are there any realistic dates,
or a timeframe, outside of these shows, that Pentax may introduce something?

I'd like to replace the istDS that was recently sold, and right now am
looking at the istDS2 as a replacement some time in January.However,  if
something more interesting is not too far off, holding off on the DS2 may
be a good way to go.  Any thoughts?

Happy Holidays,


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