1. Do you feel you understand the histogram?


2. Do you ever look at the histogram while you are shooting? When? Under what situations?

After every shot - I have it set to pop up with the preview image on my DS. (I also find myself trying to chimp on film cameras, but that's another story...) I hope one day to gain such a good understanding of exposure that I never even have to look at the photos after I take them...

3. Do you ever look at the blinkies? When? Under what situations?

No, I have them turned off.

4. Do you find one of them (histogram or blinkies) more useful than the other? Do you look at it more? Or do you tend to use both in concert?

The histogram tells me if I've blown the highlights or not, and I can see where they are by looking for the lightest bits of the preview image. So I never need to use the blinkies.

The way I see it, the blinkies are there as a simpler alternative to the histogram. I appreciate that some people probably find it helpful to use both though.


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