On 12/29/05, Perry Pellechia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a big time Canadiens fan I can understand the tension of a Leafs game.
> You shot captured it well.
> Go Habs Go....

Thanks, Perry.

Although I live in Toronto, I was born and brought up in Montreal. 
I'm a life long fan of Les Glorieux, and it's my sworn duty as a
native Montrealer to hate the Toronto Maple Leafs [sic] as long as I
live.  Let's see, when did Toronto last win the Cup?  Was it 1967? 
Over 1/2 the current population of Canada was born since then.  How
many Stanley Cups has Montreal won since then?  Is it 10 or 11?  I
forget, it's so hard to keep track when your team has won more Cups
than any other franchise in league history...



"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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