frank theriault wrote:
On 12/23/05, Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was digging around over at because I'm
getting a Holga for Christmas, and came across this:  After reading the notebook
entries and looking at some of the photos it's apparent that the
travel camera was simply loaded up with a roll and then mailed from
photographer to photographer, each of whom took one picture.

I have a Pentax IQZoom EZY-R that's ready to go.  All I need is a roll
of something fast, a small notebook and an address to get it started.
Ideally, having a mailing address for anyone who wants to participate
would be cool.  Each address could be included with the notebook so
that when one photographer has taken a photo he/she can simply pick an
address and cross off his own.

Somewhere between 10 and 30 listers would be great.  Who's interested?
Any suggestions?  Who wants it first?

Scott Loveless

Well, I'm not really very good at sending things by mail (just ask
Cesar, Graywolf and Fred <g,d&r>), but I promise I'll be good.

Sure, I'll come out to play.  I really don't care if I'm first or not.

Now, we know that's not true, Frank.  8-)))

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