Thank you everyone who replied.

It was a Camera House store. They have now realized what it is and have told my 
lover there are none available in Australia.

Meanwhile in my wondering I went into two other camera stores. One said they 
only carry Hoya filters and Hoya say they don't have any, at least the're 
honest. The second simply said they had never heard of UV photographs.

I've been off line for these few days because the video card in one computer 
died and the mother board died in the other. The computer shop ran out of video 
cards on Tuesday! They also tell me that at one stage during the week half 
their shop floor ( they have double frontage, with average depth ) was covered 
with PCs either waiting for repair or pickup afterwards. They told me that one 
possible explanation was Monday's heat, but they also think some PCs were 
injured by stupidity.

The heat does make sense as we don't have air conditioning and both PCs were on 
till mid afternoon. Also my lover has heard of mobile phones and other gadgets 
simply giving up the ghost on Monday and Tuesday.

Anyway, I am still determined to get a UV pass filter! 


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