I do not think Tamron currently has anything close to a 20-35.  At
least B&H does not list it.  Between the Pentax and the Tokina ATX,
the Pentax is only $20 more.  If the extra stop of the Tokina is
important to you then that might be a reason to buy it.  I do not have
either, but someone here might have experience with both and offer
their opinion.


> The lens is to be, as for now, used on my m/f equ. Some time down the road it
> may find it self on a "pixel box" but i must confess i am still a devotee of
> fujichrome at this stage of the game. That said however i am open to buying a
> a/f lens if that is the best option. the 3 i have found to meet my needs are 
> the
> pentax fa20-35mmf4.0, the tokina 20-35mm f2.8 atx pro, and one[?] from tamron.
> As it seems no one has anything good to say about the sigma in that range i 
> feel
> to avoid them altogether. In point of fact, all three of the above lenses are
> only sold in an a/f mounts so it seems that i am destined to buy my first a/f
> lens in the near future. "THE KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE KING" MAYBE SO, BUT
> > <---------------------------------------------------->
> > Perry Pellechia
> >
> > Primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry
> > <---------------------------------------------------->
> >
> >


Perry Pellechia

Primary email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternate email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://homer.chem.sc.edu/perry

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