I've found that unless someone has been placed in jeopardy, it's best to mind one's own business. As others have said, "innocent until proven guilt."
On Jan 8, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Jack Davis wrote:

Understand your dilemma, but even though you don't know yet "who is
working for him", due to this photo related situation, I'd let the
owner know before too many others make the connection.
Are you certain this is the same person and that the owner won't fain
shock and surprise?


--- Kevin Waterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I recently walked into a large Sydney camera store and ventured to
"pro section" to purchase some Fuji Provia. I was astounded that the
person serving me was an ex-photog who is currently in the midst of
a child porn investigation. He worked with his uncle who has been
and a trial is due.

My question is, should I make the store owner aware of who is working
for him?
Am I being vigilant or is it sheer bloody mindedness on my part?
Is this really none of my business?
I must admit this sort of thing boils my blood quickly.

Kind regards

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