mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Bob W wrote:

>> I've been in Ruthenia, when I went to Romania a few years ago. It's like a
>> fairy tale in many ways. I went to the county of Maramures, and decided to
>> follow a road which on my map petered out somewhere near the Ukrainian
>> border. I got a lift to the end of the road, which was a village at the head
>> of the valley, and followed a track that led out from the church. People
>> still drew water from wells. The track ended near a stream and a broken down
>> old house which looked abandoned to me. But when I got there somebody like
>> Hansel and Gretel's witch appeared. So I photographed her. I've shown the
>> picture before: http://www.web-options.com/Image2.jpg. She was only about
>> 4'8" / 1.4m tall. When I'd finished photographing her she insisted on some
>> money and wouldn't let go of me until I gave her some change from my pocket.
>> It was about 30p (50c US), but when she took it she fell on her knees and
>> kissed my hand profusely. 
>I remember the story.  Meeting people who are at such an opposite end of 
>my own European culture is much of what I find interesting about 
>visiting that part of the world.

I remember the story, but for some reason I must not have looked at the
photo the first time it was posted. I'm glad I did just now. That's a
*great* photograph. Even without the backstory (and not needing a
backstory is one of my personal requirements for a great photograph).
The look of that woman is riveting and yet the rest of the shot is so
fascinating that you eye just gets pulled around all over it and than
back to the main subject. I see a lot of good photos posted by PDML
members, but very few that make me say "damn, I wish I'd taken that
one!" This is one.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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