On Jan 10, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Rick Womer wrote:

The 6kg rule is, indeed, utterly brainless.  Herbert
Keppler went after BA about it 3 or 4 years ago, as
did the Travel section of the New York Times, and you
can see what effect it had.

I have found enforcement spotty.  Once I had to repack
everything (Philly to London), but on the return trip
carried on my camera bag and 12 kg backpack without
anyone batting an eye, flying steerage both ways.

Yes, BA Business Class is great (as is Lufthansa
Business Class), but steerage on both varies between
poor and awful.  Unfortunately I usually have to fly

One thing that worked for me once on BA, and may work for you depending on your physique. I walked up to the counter and put my bag down on the scale. The pert young attendant looked at me and said, "you're overweight."
I feigned offense and said, " 'ere, that's a rather personal comment!!"
Her face got bright red and she motioned me through without another word.

Of course I'm 6' 1" and 250 pounds.  YMMV, as they say.


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