On 1/10/06 12:09, Bob W wrote:

> I thought that
> these Macs had an Airport (?) card built in, but the system information
> thingy doesn't list it. OK, there must be a slot for it so it can go in like
> the PCMCIA card in my PC, but I couldn't find anything.

Bob... Apple used to use the marketing phrase "Airport ready" which confused
the heck out of folks, in a sense suggesting that the computer was ready for
wireless networking out of the box. This, of course, wasn't the case unless
the buyer had explicitly asked for the Airport card or purchased a model
with the card already installed.

As Godfrey pointed out, adding an Airport Extreme card is a straight forward
process, although not as simple as plugging a PCMCIA card into a Windows
notebook. At least on the several models I've worked on, it is a "user
installable" part as long as the user has a modicum of technical savvy. You
may consider visiting your local Apple Store (www.apple.com, near the bottom
of the page). They'll probably help with installation as well as purchase.


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