On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 01:12:31PM -0500, Adam Maas wrote:
> Christian,
> Given the relatively extreme inconsistency of the Windows UI, it would 
> take an essay to detail what a regular user of Mac OS X would find 
> annoying with Windows. Godfrey was refraining from getting into all the 
> details, which is understandable.
> I use both. I can live with both. I regularily wish that Windows was as 
> well designed and consistent from a UI perspective as OS X (Which does 
> have it's faults, but overall it's a fair bit less aggravating than 
> Windows).
> -Adam

If Windows was only available on as tightly-constrained a hardware
platform as Macs, and had as few applications available for it, then
it would be both as reliable and as consistent as the Mac is today.

Windows suffers, mostly, from trying to be all things to all men.

While there are still a few nasty details hidden under the covers
for the software writer (the asynchronous event delivery mechanism
is one such example that comes to mind) it's amazingly easy to create
applications that have the same look-and-feel as Microsoft apps.
Not everybody does that, of course, but most of that inconsistency
can be laid at the feet of the application developer.

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