Mark Roberts wrote:
Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nikon's discontinuing LF lenses, Enlarger lenses and all film cameras except the F6 and FM10. Also almost all the AI-S lenses are being discontinued.

Hmm. Looks like the 45mm f/2.8 is gone.

Hmm, wonder who will do this next? Probably Minolta.

How 'bout Olympus? <g> (Do they have any film cameras left at all?)

Seriously, I expect the next ones will follow in such quick succession
that it'll be difficult to determine the order.

Olympus left the 35mm SLR market what, 15 years ago? and the P&S film market died permanently off a couple years ago.

I expect that in 2 years the only major manufacturer of 35mm SLR's will be Cosina Voightlander.


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