You all have probably heard of wearing algorithm or something similiar.
It's an algorithm that try to use every cell of a flash memory instead
of writing/deleting always on the same few.
This is needed because flash memories wear out with the use.

Anyway this is not a dreadful thing, if some cells wear out, the card
is built to ignore them and use only the good ones.

My guess is that what's happened to you is just this: some cells worn out.

of course this has messed up your partitions (on the cards) and all
your data (on the card) has been lost, sorry.

To fix it, you should right click on "My computer", there you will
find something I'm not sure how it is called, maybe "manage"???  in
italian is "gestisci"

well from there (that is, from the window it opens) you should be able
to click on a "folder" named disks-something which shows you all of
your disks and their partitions.

If you are lucky, and if I'm right you might re-partition it from there.

of course I've never done such a thing as I prefer to use linux which
formats a disk of 120 Gb using FAT32 within few seconds - where
windows try to do it for half an hour before giving up saying that the
total space of the partition is too much (giving that the theoretical
limit of the FAT32 is 2 TB)

hope this helps (forgive me if I've never seen an english window
installation lately)

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