wendy beard wrote:

On 12/31/05, AvK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi folks,

the PUG gallery for January is open.

It can be viewed at http://pug.komkon.org

And on my Website http://www.kirschten.de/PUG/06jan

Happy New Year


Happy new year to you all  - Great work everybody.

My two favourites:
Old school - César A. Matamoros II
Old Transformer - Martin Albrecht

Wendy Beard


Thanks for looking and especially liking my submission.
I would have hoped to have used natural lighting and outdoors to have a more even look to the derailleur; but this was not to be. I am not especially strong nor experienced in macro so your commenting on my shot is even more pleasing to me.

Thanks for the comment,

Panama City, Florida

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