On Jan 16, 2006, at 11:56 PM, John Celio wrote:

I only get this error when trying to use ICE/GEM/ROC/DEE with black & white film. Those functions only work with slides and C41 negatives. I have no idea why, but I haven't seen anything that can do those sorts of functions with traditional black & white film (C41 black & white film works fine with ICE, etc).

The way these dust and scratch removal technologies work is to take a scan in infrared light and then use that to identify anomalies, dust and scratches have a different response compared to film and dye images. Film base and the dyes used in C41 and E6 films are essentially transparent in IR. Once the anomalies are identified this way, they are subtracted or filled in on the output data.

The problem with traditional silver gelatin B&W or Kodachrome films is that the silver grains and pigments are opaque to IR light and therefore look like dust and noise that needs to be corrected...


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