Malcolm Smith wrote:

During December I rarely used a camera and when I did, it was for those sort
of pictures that required onward transmission quickly (eBay postings, school
concerts and Xmas pictures of the children to e-mail to relatives etc) and I
noticed how easily it was to get used to instant results.

This morning I got out my LX and realised how much I've missed shooting
film. With all the advantages of running costs, time and convenience of
digital use, I still want to be limited to the number of photographs I can
take on a film, the inconvenience of buying, storing and processing - both
costly and slow as I don't do this myself - and no immediate results.

I can't immediately think of a good reason as to why film still has such a
hold, although the anticipation of a set of developed slides landing on the
doormat from the post may well be part of it.

Time to buy some film. I miss it!


To me, it's not that I miss the "disadvantages" (or even the advantages) of using film, but that I sometimes miss handling particular instruments that happen to use film.

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