I think the presenter missed the point.  Still if he's happy...

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

Went to a Pacific Arts League Photo Interest Group (PAL PHIG) presentation last evening that centered on using digitally produced negatives for large format platinum/palladium/cyanotype printing.

Beautiful prints. Truly beautiful. A pain the butt to produce, a lot of muss and chemistry, lots of fun tedium in getting a calibration setup. Expensive chemistry.

In the words of the presenter, "Who cares about taking pictures on film? I always hated carrying 40 pounds of camera and junk into the field ... now I can carry my digital camera, or my film camera, and have all the advantages they present, make my contact negatives up to any size I want, and get the kind of image qualities and durability I want."


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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