"John Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>dick graham wrote:
>> Because Konica Minolta started working with Sony last year to develop  
>> SLR's it makes me nervous that Pentax, which has a similar working  
>> agreement with Samsung, will follow suit and drop their point and shoot  
>> digitals and sell the DSLR end out to Samsung.  After all Pentax had the  
>> about the same financial loss last year that Konica-Minolta did.
>You seem to exist in a parallel universe.  Pentax made a profit last year,  
>and expect to make a profit this year.

Yep. IIRC, the news was that Pentax's profits were down, not that they
had actually incurred a loss. Things are certainly looking up this year.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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