Sounds like fun. Have a blast. let us know when it's up and running.


> Seems our town has plans of starting a Community Radio Station in its future. 
> I have
> emailed the
> Manager and asked if they were still looking for Volunteers for on air 
> personal, producers
> etc.
> I mentioned my 3 years in radio(1971-73) and 4 years in TV 
> production,(1971-1974) and he
> informed
> me i was most welcome into the fold.
> Still need to get funds and approval from the CRTC(same as the FCC in the 
> states). I also
> mentioned my
> photo hobby and equine work and i'v been asked to do some photo work for the 
> web site and
> shoot
> the fund raiser Feb 4th.
> Possible weekly Blues show and or something in an equestrian theme. After 
> all, we are in
> the Country
> up here,......for now.:-)
> Just thought i'd share, Captain R is out of retierment.LOL.
> Dave

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