frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> All those headlights.  Are they heading for Detroit?  Go Seahawks!
>I'm very happy that the Seahawks are in the Super Bowl.  I'm happy for
>them, and for the city of Seattle.
>While I wouldn't be too disappointed if they win, I've gotta say I'm
>pulling for Blitzburgh.  I'm a Notre Dame fan, so I've followed Jerome
>Bettis' career with some interest.  He's had such a long and
>distinguished stay in the NFL, I think it would be great if he could
>end it with a Super Bowl ring.  So many over-paid athletes are
>womanizing, drug and steroid addicted, gun-toting jerks;  it's nice to
>see a guy who seems to have kept his head in the midst of all that
>over the years.  I'd love to see him (and them) win.

You having a Super Bowl party, Frank?
I need to get out of Pittsburgh on the big day :)
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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