David Savage wrote:

G'day Cobbers :-),

It's now officially Australia Day here. Just wanted to wish all the
Aussies well & if your lucky enough to have the day off that you have
a good one.

For all the overseas PDML'ers, here's a TV ad that's been running the
last couple of weeks I find funny & should help guide you should you
wish to celebrate along with us (any excuse for a party is a good
excuse :-)

90 second version  (~5.1M .mpg)

What is/are "a pair of budgie smugglers"?  Or do I not want to know?

60 second version  (~4M .mpg)

Cheers & all the best,


P.S. It's been 12 months to the day since I first posted to the PDML.
My, how time flies when you waste it :-)

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