On Jan 26, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Perry Pellechia wrote:

Nice job.  That looks like a real dusty location.

It was very very dusty and it wasn't helped by the fact that I was kneeling most of the time. Whenever a rider landed I covered the end of my lens to prevent the billowing cloud of dust from getting in. All of the photographers present were doing the same thing - one guy with a Canon had a towel. My camera (Z-1p) coped OK - I occasionally blew the dust off it and it just kept on going. My bag was extremely dirty... I was sure to keep the lid closed :)

After I got home I gave all of my gear a good cleaning. The Z-1p isn't renowned for its environmental sealing but it seemed to cope pretty well (nothing entered the film chamber).

Perhaps digital would not have been a great choice.

I don't know if it would have made much difference. My biggest fear was dust getting in and scratching my film. If I'd had a 28-70 zoom I wouldn't have had to change lenses all the time. The dust wasn't floating around all the time: by the time each cloud of dust arrived I'd finished taking pictures of that rider.

I vote for 262.

Yes I quite like that one as well. It may be hard to see on the web image but he was looking right into the lens. He must be pretty good if he can afford to take his eye off the track!

The out-of-focus branch at the right was annoying me so I shifted a bit further to the left soon after. Moving was quite difficult due to the crowd of spectators.


- Dave

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